Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Struggles and Transfers

Some things have happened with other missionaries that were big trials for Adam. One resulted in a quick transfer shortly after he became a ZL. I won't go into any details, but here are some things he said about his trials:

"This is my 3rd of 5 comps that I have had to deal with this same problem. I guess the Lord knows I am stubborn and will do what he asks me to do (meaning he makes the companion take necessary steps). Sometimes I wish I had easier trials than I do, but I know that they make me stronger and bless my life to come."

"I had to step in and be strong in the situation. We talked a lot this past week and things got taken care of...I have to control the phone now and I feel like I have to babysit him... but hopefully he can push past it so I wont have to worry. The Lord has placed me in this situation with 3 of 5 companions... and it's not like I pray for these type of trials. I know that helping my comps makes me stronger, and I'm glad that the mission president, and the Lord trust me with these problems."

I feel bad that he has had to deal with these trials but it's nice to see he recognizes them as experiences that help him to grow and become stronger. 

Adam was excited for this transfer and to have a companion who is obedient and diligent. His new companion is Elder Henriod and he came from the YSA ward in Fullerton. He had been a ZL since April. He is actually from Washington state but the far East side by the Idaho border, a town called Clarkston. He said that a week in and they are already good friends. He is looking forward to working hard and making some progress in the area.
Elder Henriod and Elder Wardle

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